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Ponudba v vaši košari je povezana z drugim računom, ki ne vsebuje izdelkov, ki jih zdaj poskušate dodati.Dokončajte nakup (ali odstranite ponudbo – brez skrbi, saj je ta še vedno na voljo v razdelku Moj račun), preden vključite te dodatne postavke.Če nadaljujete, bo vaša trenutna košara zamenjana z drugo.
Nakup na podlagi vaše ponudbe lahko opravite glede na določen povezan račun za zaračunavanje.Izdelki v vaši košari so povezani z drugim računom. Shranite trenutno košaro ali dokončajte nakup, preden dodate te dodatne ponujene postavke.Če nadaljujete, bo vaša trenutna košara zamenjana z drugo.
with over 100 years of technological innovation, we help make a wide variety of products possible in the world's most rapidly expanding industries. Our components are found in spacecrafts and defibrillators - from outer space to inside our bodies, and in products we use every day. We have the broadest selection of capacitor technologies in the industry, including an expanding range of electromechanical devices and electromagnetic compatibility solutions.
KEMET’s KC-LINK surface mount capacitors are designed to meet the growing demand for fast switching wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors that operate at higher voltages, temperatures, and frequencies. KONNEKT is a high-density packaging technology that allows components to be bonded together without the use of metal frames, reducing with it the ESR, ESL and thermal resistance to capacitors.
METCOM metal composite power inductors have an advantage over traditional ferrite inductors because of the core high saturation flux density, which enables a stronger magnetic field.
KEMET’s safety certified film capacitors are specifically designed for conducted emissions attenuation in AC line filtering applications. The self healing capability of film capacitors makes them a great choice for safety across power lines as well as having internationally recognized safety certifications.
KO-CAP is a solid electrolytic capacitor with a conductive polymer cathode, capable of delivering very low ESR and an improved capacitance retention at high frequencies. The technology combines the low ESR of the multilayer ceramic, the high capacitance of aluminium electrolytic, and the volumetric efficiency of tantalum into a single surface mount package.
KEMET offers a large range of supercapacitors in surface-mount and radial construction with high performance capabilities. Enhancements to the design and selected material upgrades were introduced to deliver 1,000 hours at 85°C/85% RH rated voltage and and to AEC-Q200 compliance.
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