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O podjetju TENMA

Farnell is the exclusive distributor of Tenma test and soldering equipment. Tenma has continued to invest in and expand its range of test and measurement equipment to meet the design engineer or maintenance engineer’s needs.

Tenma provides top functionality, high reliability, all at an economical price. At Farnell element14, we offer a range of Tenma test equipment including oscilloscopes, bench power supplies, digital multimeters (DMMs), and signal generators. You can find the best Tenma soldering stations and rework stations as well.

With initial roots in the consumer electronics service industry to today's product breadth within many industrial markets, Tenma is now recognized worldwide for exceptional reliability and affordable prices on test equipment and accessories.

Seznam izdelkov od Tenma


Fasteners & Mechanical

Sensors & Transducers

Test & Measurement

Tools & Production Supplies

Pokazi vse izdelke (500)


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