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O podjetju Bridgelux

At Bridgelux, we help companies, industries and people experience the power and possibility of light. Since 2002, we've designed LED solutions that are high performing, energy efficient, cost effective and easy to integrate. Bridgelux focuses on light's impact on human behavior, delivering products that create better environments, experiences and returns—both experiential and financial. From our successful Vero® Series to smart lighting, Bridgelux patented technology drives new platforms for commercial and industrial luminaires.

Farnell is an authorised global distributor of Bridgelux products, offering the latest technology first.

Featured Products

DS24 Bridgelux ES Rectangle Array
Gen 7 Vero® 10 Array

Vero® Series arrays deliver increased lumen density and simplify luminaire design with 2 and 3 SDCM color control standard for clean, consistent, and uniform illumination.

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DS23 Bridgelux ES Star Array
Vesta® Series Dim-To-Warm 9mm Array

Dim-To-Warm Array products deliver adaptable light in a cost-effective, solid state lighting package.

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DS25 Bridgelux RS Array
Gen 7 Vero® 13 Array

Vero® 13 LED light sources simplify luminaire design and manufacturing processes, improve light quality, and define a platform for future functionality integration.

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Seznam izdelkov od Bridgelux

LED Lighting Components

Lighting Products

Optoelectronics & Displays

Pokazi vse izdelke (254)


Videoposnetki Bridgelux


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