

element14 community

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element14 community

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Pokličite našo predano ekipo na telefon 0800 80414 ali pa nam zahteve pošljite elektronsko.

Zahtevajte ponudbo še danes

O podjetju APEM

Since its creation in 1952, APEM has become one of the leading worldwide manufacturers of Human machine interfaces, the group is present in 11 countries and works closely with Farnell Worldwide.

With production plants in Europe, America, Asia and North Africa, APEM achieves 67 % of its turnover from export markets.

APEM develops and manufactures professional switch products for diversified markets including instrumentation, medical, communications, industrial automation, defence and transport.

Seznam izdelkov od Apem

Automation & Process Control

Enclosures, Racks & Cabinets

Fasteners & Mechanical

Lighting Products

Office, Computer & Networking Products

Optoelectronics & Displays

Switches & Relays

Tools & Production Supplies

Pokazi vse izdelke (1.877)

Novi izdelki od Apem

Switches & Relays

Pokazi vse izdelke (108)



Vas zanima, kaj o tem izdelku menijo drugi?

  Preberite pogovore, spletne dnevnike in dokumente članov naše skupnosti.


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Postavite vprašanje našemu strokovnjaku ali začnite razpravo in dobili boste odgovore od dobaviteljev strokovnjakov in inženirjev naše skupnosti.