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Zahtevajte ponudbo še danesSV Microwave is a world leader in the RF/Microwave industry with over 50 years of proven performance. We design and manufacture RF/Microwave coaxial connectors, cable assemblies, adapters and components designed for military, IoT, 5G, satellite, high speed, aerospace, commercial and telecommunications applications.
Our product lines include commercial off the shelf (COTS) items and custom, highly reliable, highly repeatable products. When it comes to the design and manufacture of custom products, SV Microwave has set the standard in RF and microwave connectors, components, adapters and cable assemblies. SV Microwave is committed to helping customers meet their RF/Microwave performance goals with our highly talented engineering staff and extremely responsive sales team.
Featured Products | ||
![]() Millimeter Wave Coaxial InterconnectsHigh-frequency millimeter wave product line has the precision quality and performance needed for the millimeter wave spectrum through 67 GHz. | ![]() SMP, SMPM & SMPS Connectors, Adapters and Cable AssembliesRange of SMP, SMPM, and SMPS connectors, cable assemblies and adapters that are designed for high-density, high-frequency applications and progressively increase electrical performance while reducing density. | ![]() Coaxial PCB ConnectorsComplete line of coaxial PCB connectors meet the industry need for high-performing, easy-to-use compact designs. |
![]() Solderless RF Compression Mount PCB ConnectorsSolderless coaxial PCB connectors in high frequency bands including the mmWave frequencies and for convenience are available with multiple screw lengths to accommodate any board thickness. | ![]() VITA 67 Product LineUnique connector retention mechanism makes installing and removing a lot easier. SV's floating SMPM coaxial contacts ensure excellent RF performance in any mating condition. | ![]() High Frequency RF Cable AssembliesAssemblies utilize SMA, 2.92mm (SVK)/2.4mm and SMP/SMPM/SMPS connectors on 0.047 and 0.085 cables. Feature low solder wicking and our high flexibility allows for tight bends behind the cable ferrule. |
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